Ultimate Watch 2 watch face

  • 名稱:Ultimate Watch 2 watch face
  • 版本:因裝置而異
  • 分類:個人化
  • 系統:因裝置而異
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Ultimate Watch 2 watch face介紹:

Ultimate Watch 2 watch face

One watch face for every occasion.

Use it for office and productivity, outdoors , sports or health.

Huge amount of features:
✔ 18 built-in complications that can be put on up to 8 dials.
✔ Full AW2.0 external complications support
✔ 25 built-in presets and possibility to share and import presets.
✔ Each dial can act as a shortcut to a watch app or a Tasker activity.
✔ Watch face designer. Make your own watch faces using either bui lt-in components or make your own static background designs and import.
✔ Snap pictures with your phone camera and have it as background on your watchface in seconds.
✔ Show post-it notes on the watch face. Use voice command (‘make a note’) or watch (or phone) keyboard to enter note.
✔ Use Wear 2.0 complication as background. Can be used to show album art of currently playing music in phone or watch.
✔ Use Wear 2.0 complication as note. Can be used to show information on currently playing music in phone or watch.
✔ Support for analog as well as digital time
✔ Built-in Heart Rate app with continuous heart rate measurements and on-watch chart analysis of heart rate + full integration to the heart rate complication on the watch face.
✔ Built-in Timer app with full integration to the timer complication on the watch face.
✔ Voice command support for Heart rate (‘show my heart rate’), Timer (‘start timer’), Note s (‘make a note’).
✔ Extensive calendar and agenda features: Automatically popup details of upcoming or current events in the agenda in the watch face. Show today’s calendar events as semi-circles around the watch face.
✔ Full bothway Tasker support for automation.
✔ Customizable logo and logo text (can also use external complication as logo text)
✔ Unread notifications indicators. Don’t miss any unread notifications. Support for unread counters for up to 10 different apps ( including Gmail, SMS, missed calls etc).
✔ Extensive configuration options of dials, including 5 different built/in dial types.
✔ Full Google Fit integration for heart rate, steps, distance, calories, active time.
✔ Extensive Google Fit statistics analysis in phone app .
✔ Works as stand-alone app as well. Most of the feature work in stand-alone mode so you can use it even if you have an Iphone.
✔ And lots more..

If you have any questions or problems please contact us for support before giving a bad review.

Web site:

Google plus community:
https://plus.google.com/communities/115521255825330665764 一手錶表面的每一個場合。的


✔ 18內置的可投入多達8撥號並發症。
✔ 25內置的預設和可能性,分享和進口預設。



https://plus.google.com /communities/115521255825330665764

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