School Lunch: Mac & Cheese

  • 名稱 : School Lunch: Mac & Cheese
  • 版本 : 1.0
  • 系統 : 2.3 以上
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  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


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School Lunch: Mac & Cheese Is there any food in the world that’s yummier than mac and cheese? No way, Jose! How delicious is the gooey cheese, and how delectable is the soft, chewy pasta! It’s so much fun to eat! Wouldn’t you like to have mac and cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Well now you can, thanks to School Lunch – Mac & Cheese Maker!

Create the school lunches you’ve always wanted…meals that are healthy, organic and most importantly, delicious! First, create your perfect bowl of mac and cheese! Choose the right pasta for you, select your tastiest cheese and pick scrumptious add-ins to make it just how you want! Next, add a healthy salad of vegetables, tasty organic fruit and a refreshing drink to complete your lunch set! But the fun’s not over yet! Decorate your lunch box and lunch table to create your perfect lunch space! School Lunch – Mac & Cheese Maker is the kids’ cooking game you’ve been waiting for!


– Make your perfect mac & cheese bowl!

– Pair your bowl with healthy, delicious food!

– Decorate your lunch box and table to make your perfect space!


– Look through the options to create your mac & cheese bowl!

– Use the touch screen to select your preferred side dishes!

– Explore your creativity with selecting your favorite box and table decorations!

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有沒有在世界上比Mac和奶酪yummier任何食物?沒辦法,何塞!如何美味的奶酪糊糊,以及如何可喜的是柔軟的,有嚼勁的意大利面!它是如此多的樂趣吃!難道你不喜歡有Mac和奶酪的早餐,午餐和晚餐?現在好瞭就可以瞭,感謝學校午餐 – Mac和奶酪生產商!
創建學校午餐,你一直想要的……餐點,是健康,有機,最重要的是,好吃!首先,創建你的完美的碗Mac和奶酪!選擇合適的麵食適合你,選擇你最美味的奶酪和挑選美味的插件,使它隻是你怎麼想!接下來,添加蔬菜健康沙拉,美味的有機水果和清涼的飲料來完成你的午餐一套!但有趣的還沒有結束!裝飾你的飯盒和午餐表創制出完美的午餐空​​間!學校午餐 – Mac和奶酪製造商,是孩子們的烹飪比賽中,你一直在等待!
– 讓你的完美Mac和奶酪的碗!

– 提供健康,美味的食物配對的碗!

– 裝飾你的飯盒和表格,使您的完美空間!

– 看看通過選項來創建你的Mac和奶酪碗!

– 使用觸摸屏選擇您喜歡的小菜!

– 探索你的創造力與選擇你最喜歡的箱子和桌子裝飾品!

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