
  • 名稱 : Quizlet
  • 版本 : 因裝置而異
  • 系統 : 因裝置而異
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


軟體介紹 :

Quizlet Quizlet makes studying fun, easy, and effective. Create your own sets of study material or choose from millions created by other Quizlet users, then master your subject with powerful interactive learning tools:

– Make your own flashcards
– Put your memory to the test with Learn
– Race against the clock in a game of Match
– Share with classmates or your students
– Listen to automatic pronunciations in 18 languages
– Enhance your studying with images and audio

What students and teachers are saying about Quizlet:

"I cannot live without Quizlet anymore, and I assume it's the same for my students 🙂 Quizlet is a must for every language learner. The Quizlet team always amazes me with its evolution. Just like learning, it only gets better.” – Toshi, English Teacher

"I just started using Quizlet this year, and boy is it a miracle worker! This site has really helped my studying habits, not to mention the fun games! Keep up the good work Quizlet!” – Samuel, High School Student

“Quizlet helps me be more confident on tests. 🙂 I could not have gotten to where I am now in school without it!” – Treeton, Middle School Student


– 製作自己的卡片
– 把你的內存來測試與學習
– 在遊戲比賽中與時間賽跑
– 分享與同學或學生
– 聽自動發音18種語言
– 提高你的圖片和音頻學習


“我的生活不能沒有Quizlet瞭,而且我認為這是同為我的學生:-) Quizlet是一個必須為每一個語言學習者的Quizlet隊總是讓我感到吃驚,其進化就像學習,它隻是變得更好。” – 都市,英語教師

“我剛開始使用Quizlet今年,男孩是一個奇蹟工人這個網站真的幫助我的學習習慣,更何況有趣的遊戲保持良好的工作Quizlet!!!” – 塞繆爾,高中生

“Quizlet幫助我是對的測試更加有信心。 :)我不可能如此嚴重,我在學校,現在是沒有它!“ – Treeton,中學生

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