POCKET TUNE – Chromatic Tuner

  • 名稱 : POCKET TUNE – Chromatic Tuner
  • 版本 : 1.1.0
  • 系統 : 4.1 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


軟體介紹 :

POCKET TUNE - Chromatic Tuner POCKET TUNE is a highly accurate and intuitive chromatic tuner for every musician. Whether you play brass, woodwinds, strings, acoustic guitar, a Fender, or a Gibson, this chromatic tuner allows you to tune your musical instrument to the right pitch, at the same performance quality as a $50 Seiko or Korg tuner. In addition, this chromatic tuner can be used for pitch ear training, an important talent every musician should master.

With its high accuracy and clarity, this tuner is suitable for every musician, regardless if you play
• a fretted music instrument such as a ukulele or an acoustic, electric or bass guitar
• a fretless music instrument such as violin, cello or contrabass
• a brass or woodwind instrument such as clarinet, saxophone, trumpet or trombone

We have worked with 20+ professional musicians and music teachers who’ve performed in ensembles, big bands, and orchestras, to test and optimize the POCKET TUNE chromatic tuner app for over 30 different musical instruments, including all kinds of woodwind and brass instruments, acoustic and electric guitars from different manufacturers (e.g. Gibson, Fender, Shecter and ESP), in addition to all string instruments. Moreover, we compared the quality of this tuner app to conventional tuners, such as Seiko and Korg tuners.

• Tune your acoustic, electric or bass guitar to a pitch on the fly. Just play a tone and POCKET TUNE tells you which tone it is and whether or not it’s in perfect pitch.

• Improve your intonation with pitch ear training. Select a tone and practice your intonation. Our tuner shows you if you play in or out of tune with easy to grasp colors.

• Tune your strings (i.e. violin, cello or contrabass) without caring for the correct octave range. Use our tuner to select the target pitch you want to tune to and play it on your instrument. POCKET TUNE will show you if your pitch is too high (sharp) or too low (flat) on a cent scale.

• As a musician, it is important to train your ear. POCKET TUNE lets you play reference tones, just like a diapason, through your phone's speakers. Use this feature to improve your sense of hearing with ease and to practice tuning your instrument, such as an acoustic guitar or ukulele, by ear.

• Adjust the concert pitch with our tuner app. Are you playing a woodwind or brass instrument in a band or orchestra? POCKET TUNE allows you to adjust the default pitch to whatever frequency you need, regardless if it is 438Hz, 440Hz or 444Hz.

Download POCKET TUNE now and join our passion for music!

We love what we do and want to make the best possible product for you. If you have any feedback let us know and send an email to [email protected]

* The actual accuracy of the tuner app depends on the quality of your device's microphone

POCKET Tune是一款高度精確,直觀的彩色調諧器的每一個團員。無論你玩銅管,木管樂器,弦樂器,原聲吉他,擋泥板,還是吉佈森,這種彩色調諧器可以讓你調整你的樂器,以合適的間距,在相同的性能品質為$ 50的精工或Korg的調諧器。此外,該半音調音器,可用於音調練耳,每一個音樂人應該掌握的重要人才。





•調整你的字符串(如小提琴,大提琴和低音提琴),而不關心正確的八度範圍。使用我們的調諧器選擇要調整到目標間距和發揮你的樂器。 POCKET TUNE會告訴你,如果你的音調太高(銳利)或過低(平)的規模以上。

•作為一個音樂傢,它訓練你的耳朵是很重要的。 POCKET TUNE讓你玩基準色調,就像一個和諧,通過手機的揚聲器。使用此功能可提高你的聽力輕鬆感和練習調整你的樂器,如吉他或尤克裡裡琴,用耳朵。

•調整我們的調諧器的應用程序的音樂會音高。你扮演一個樂隊或樂團木管和銅管樂器? POCKET TUNE允許您調整默認的間距為任何頻率,你所需要的,不管它是438Hz,440Hz的和444Hz。


我們愛我們做什麼,想要做出最好的產品給你。如果您有任何意見請告訴我們,發送電子郵件至[email protected]


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