
  • 名稱 : ListViewAnimations
  • 版本 : 3.0.0
  • 系統 : 4.0 以上
  • 官網 :
  • 內容分級 : 未分級 警告:內容尚未分級。未分級的應用程式可能含有兒童不宜的內容。


軟體介紹 :

ListViewAnimations ListViewAnimations is an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily create ListViews with animations.

You can find the project on Github ( ).

Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.

ListViewAnimations uses the NineOldAndroid library to support devices < 3.0, and Roman Nurik's BETA SwipeDismissListViewTouchListener to support swipe to dismiss. It also contains a jar file for the StickyListHeaders library to animate its header views.
Finally, a slightly modified copy of DevBytes' DynamicListView is added to support Drag-and-Drop reordering.


您可以在Github上的項目( / ListViewAnimations)。


ListViewAnimations使用NineOldAndroid庫,支持設備<3.0,和羅馬Nurik的BETA SwipeDismissListViewTouchListener支持刷卡解僱。它還包含瞭StickyListHeaders庫以動畫的標題意見jar文件。

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