Dramatized Audio Bible – KJV Dramatized Version

  • 名稱:Dramatized Audio Bible – KJV Dramatized Version
  • 版本:1.16
  • 分類:圖書與參考資源
  • 系統:4.0.3 以上
  • 官網:
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Dramatized Audio Bible – KJV Dramatized Version介紹:

Dramatized Audio Bible - KJV Dramatized Version

Get your free dramatized KJV audio Bible and enjoy the fullness of the Holy Bible.

Free Audio Bible Dramatized – KJV with free motivational daily verses that will take you to the next level in your life. There are several audio Bible versions available but the dramatized version is one of the most liked KJV Bible versions available today. With this free KJV Dramatized Audio Version , you can enjoy the whole Bible with some soothing music at the background.

Dramatized Bible KJV co mes with powerful background sounds and the voices are very clear and very profound. It makes your listening experience great. For those who don’t have constant internet, we are sorry to say you will only the robotic voice but connect to Internet for the best dramatized audio kjv experience.

Jesus said, He is the way, truth and life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. The only way to know more about God is through His word and through relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Bible should not be used without the Holy Spirit and Vise verse. You need the word and you need to hear His voice.
A free Audio Bible KJV is a Bible you can easily install on your android device. It is one of the best Bibles to actually use if you want a new way of listening to the word of God.

The Bible KJV Dramatized app can be downloaded from the Google store. There is no charge for the app. KJV is the most widely used version of the Bible even though on the internet it says the NIVis taking over. We have no idea but one of the most accurate versions available and so the dramatized KJV audio Bible is based on it.

KJV audio Bible Dramatized has so many features that it will take your curiosity to explore the newest of the scriptures every day and every hour. Get close to our Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ His only Son. We pray this Dramatized MP3 KJV Bible will spice up your Christian walk and you will never regret. The word of God is so good.

Highlight KJV Dramatized Bible
The ability to highlight specific texts as you are reading or studying the Holy Bible Dramatized – KJV is another helpful tool that is available with the app. Favorite passages can be highlighted in a particular color in order to call attention to the words. The verses of interest for a study on God’s love, for example, can be highlighted in order to focus one’s thoughts on the subject .

<12 3> Get Daily Bible Verses Get motivational and inspirational Bible verses at the time you want it. If you want to change it to another time, simply go to the settings option and then set a different time. This is one of the best way to start your day as a Christian

Free Bible Reading Every day you will get one daily Chapter to read. Studying the Bible is always fun. It is our prayer that you always get a daily Bible chapter that has a message for you today. Don’t turn it into a religious activity but let it be something you do out of love for the King of Kings.

Sharing the scriptures Do you love to share daily verses on social media. This app will help you share with facebook, whatsapp or twitter. You can also choose to share on image and that even adds a personal feel to your message. This KJV Dramatized Audio makes it possible to spread the word of God every where youare.

Free Notes With this KJV Dramatized Audio or KJV Audio version you can take notes and share them as well. Taking notes is like meditating during the day. When Holy Spirit speaks to you. When taking notes from Dramatized Bible- KJV you will feel blessed through the Holy Words of Our Most High God.

Topical Bible Verses We have a list of popular topical Bible verses for you to quickly find some references to. When you meet someone on the street you can share those topics with the person.

Bible Dictionary This Bible has a dictionary that you can check meanings of other Bible terms. There are over 30,000 Bible words you can easily fine.

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免費水滴石穿KJV 是一本聖經,你可以很容易地在Android設備上安裝。這是,如果你想聆聽神的話語的一種新的方式實際使用的最好的聖經之一。

聖經KJV戲劇化的應用程序可以從谷歌商店下載。不收費的應用程序。 KJV是最廣泛使用的版本的聖經,即使在互聯網上它說,NIV接管。我們不知道,但可用,因此戲劇化KJV水滴石穿是基於它最準確的版本之一。
KJV水滴石穿戲劇化有這麼多的功能,這將需要你的好奇心,探索最新的每一天,每一個小時的經文。親近藉著耶穌基督他唯一的兒子我們的天父。我們祈禱這戲劇化的MP3 KJV聖經將香料你的基督徒的步行路程,你永遠不會後悔。神的話語是那麼好。

選中KJV戲劇化的聖經 新譯是另外一個有用的工具,可用的應用程序- 的能力為你正在閱讀或學習在

獲得每日經文 在你想要的時候得到激勵和鼓舞人心的聖經經文。如果你想將其更改為另一個時,只需進入設置選項,然後設置不同的時間。這是開始新的一天作為一個基督徒的最好的方法之一

免費閱讀聖經 每一天,你會得到一個每天章閱讀。研讀聖經總是充滿樂趣。這是我們的禱告,你總是每天聖經章節今天有一個消息要告訴你。不要把它變成一個宗教活動,但希望這是你做出來的愛的東西王中之王。

分享聖經 你愛分享在社交媒體上每天的詩句。這個程序會幫助你與Facebook,WhatsApp的或Twitter分享。您也可以選擇在圖像共享和,即使增加了一個個人的感覺,你的消息。這KJV戲劇化音頻,能夠每蔓延上帝的話,你在哪裡。

免費債券 有了這個新譯戲劇化音頻或KJV音頻版本,你可以做筆記,分享他們。記筆記就像是白天打坐。當聖靈向你說話。當拍攝從戲劇化Bible- KJV的筆記,你會覺得通過我們的至高神的聖言祝福。

外用經文 我們有局部流行的聖經經文的列表供您快速找到一些參考。當你遇到在街上有人可以分享與人的主題。

聖經辭典 這本聖經有字典,你可以檢查其他方面聖經含義。有超過30,000聖經的話,你可以輕鬆的罰款。

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