Credit Karma

  • 名稱:Credit Karma
  • 版本:因裝置而異
  • 分類:財經
  • 系統:因裝置而異
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Credit Karma介紹:

Credit Karma

Make the most of your credit, it’s totally free! Start by digging into your credit profile and finding out what goes into your credit scores. Then get important updates with credit monitoring, keep an eye on your info with ID monitoring, check out personalized recommendations and more.

Check your scores – Log in anytime to look, it will never hurt your scores.
Spot potential ID theft – We’ll tell you when your info is in another company’s public data breach — and what you can do.
F ind $ that belongs to you – Search state databases for unclaimed money in your name. There’s over $40 billion waiting to be claimed!
Get money-saving recommendations – Use your credit to qualify for lower interest rates and better credit card rewards.
Monitor your reports – Get alerted when there’s an important change to your reports and challenge errors right from your account.
Review credit tips – Receive helpful recommendations matched to your profile.

Join more than 75 million members on the path to financial progress. Learn more and sign up at 充分利用你的信用的,它是完全免費的!通過挖掘到你的信用狀況,並找出進入你的信用分數開始。然後得到信貸監控的重要更新,保持眼睛與ID監視您的信息,請參閱個性化的建議和更多。

檢查你的分數 – 登錄隨時隨地看,它永遠不會傷害你的分數。
發現潛在的身份盜竊 – 我們會告訴你,當你的信息是另一家公司的公開數據洩露 – 你可以做什麼。
查找$屬於你的 – 搜索狀態數據庫在你的名字無人認領的錢。還有的超過40十億$等待被聲明!
獲得省錢的建議 – 使用您的信用資格較低的利率和更好的信用卡獎勵。
監控您的報告 – 當有從你的帳戶報表和挑戰誤差的一個重要變化會收到通知。
查看信用提示 – 接收符合您的個人資料有幫助的建議。


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