Building the China Wall

  • 名稱 : Building the China Wall
  • 版本 : 1.3
  • 系統 : 2.3.3 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


軟體介紹 :

Building the China Wall Embark on an epic journey across the Chinese Empire and take charge of building the greatest structure known to mankind – The Great Wall of China – in this addictive time management game.

The Chinese Empire is in grave danger as the Nomads from the North threaten the wealth and prosperity of its lands. Kong Baotu, a smart and resourceful man, accepts the challenge to achieve the impossible. He commits himself to building the Great Wall that will protect China from the warlike barbarians. In return, he asks for permission to marry the Emperor's beautiful daughter, Fan Tanrui. Join Kong in his epic adventure! Help him save the Empire and marry Fan. Your journey will take you to the farthest reaches of China, through the emerald-green hills and treacherous rocky cliffs. In more than 40 levels, you will conquer the snowy mountain-peaks and cross the withering deserts. You will gather food and lumber, mine stone and iron, survive hurricanes and thunderstorms, all for the noble goal of completing the greatest building in the history of mankind – The Great Wall of China.

★ 40 levels in 4 unique locations
★ Fast-paced gameplay
★ Exciting mini-games
★ A vast variety of resources and power-ups

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踏上史詩般的旅程遍及中國帝國,並負責建設人類已知的最大的結構 – 中國長城 – 這個上癮的時間管理遊戲。

中國帝國處於嚴重的危險來自北方遊牧民族的威脅它的土地的財富和繁榮。香港趵突泉,一個聰明,足智多謀的人,接受挑戰,實現瞭不可能的。他致力於建立長城保護中國從好戰的野蠻人。作為回報,他要求允許自己娶皇帝的美麗的女兒,範Tanrui。加入香港在他的史詩冒險!幫助他保存帝國和結婚風扇。你的旅程將帶你到最遠到達中國,透過翠綠的丘陵和詭譎的巖石峭壁。在40多級,你將征服雪山峰和交叉凋謝的沙漠。你會收集食物和木材,雷石和鐵,生存颶風和雷暴,完成人類歷史上最偉大的建築 – 中國長城的崇高目標。


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