- 名稱 : BB-8™ App Enabled Droid
- 版本 : 1.0.7
- 系統 : 4.4 以上
- 官網 : Home
- 內容分級 : 3 歲以上
軟體介紹 :
Over the years, the experience of Star Wars™ has always lived on screen and in our imaginations. The characters, worlds, and adventures have become an unforgettable part of our lives, and toys have kept that magic in our hearts long after we’ve left the theater. Thanks to advancements in technology, it is now possible to bring a new part of Star Wars: The Force Awakens™ into your home in an incredibly authentic way. For the first time, a real Droid™ is finally making its way into your world.
BB-8 is playful, personable, and true to the Star Wars™ galaxy. His unique traits begin to shine the second he is awakened. Based on your interactions, BB-8 will show a range of expressions and even perk up when you give voice commands. It’s now possible to explore the galaxy with your own trusty Astromech Droid by your side. BB-8 is more than a toy – it’s your companion.
Rather than using the Force, BB-8 is powered by induction charging and connects via Bluetooth© Smart with your Android device. His tough polycarbonate shell keeps him safe from water and the dark side.
Features include:
Slide your finger on the driving pad to guide your Droid. BB-8 will go wherever you point and hold, and he’ll even react to collisions. If you want to see more of his personality, enter the droid commander, choose an icon, and BB-8 will show off a range of expressions.
Tap into Patrol to send BB-8 off on his own. His autonomous behavior allows him to move around, get familiar with your space, and investigate the surroundings. Tap the play button to get BB-8 on the move.
No Droid is complete without holographic messaging. Now you can make your own thanks to BB-8. Record a video and BB-8 will transform it into a virtual hologram.
This is the Droid you’re looking for. Find it at Sphero.com and make it yours.
BB-8是好玩,風度翩翩,和真實的星球大戰™星系。他獨特的特性開始大放異彩,他被驚醒瞭第二位。根據您的互動,BB-8將展示一系列表情,甚至重新振作起來,當你給語音命令。它現在可以在你的身邊去探索你自己的值得信賴的宇航技工機器人的星系。 BB-8是超過一個玩具 – 這是你的同伴。
滑動你的手指上的驅動墊來指導你的Droid。 BB-8將去哪裡你點不放,他甚至會發生反應的碰撞。如果你想看到更多他的個性,進入機器人指揮官,選擇一個圖標,BB-8將展示一系列的表情。