SPQR Latin

  • 名稱:SPQR Latin
  • 版本:5.0
  • 分類:教育
  • 系統:4.0.3 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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SPQR Latin介紹:

SPQR Latin

At long last, SPQR is now available for Android users! SPQR is the ultimate learning tool for Latin students who want to immerse themselves in the language, presenting the most comprehensive Latin dictionary around , dozens of Latin texts with English translations, plus flashcards, learning material and much more!

Here are the features available in this initial release – more features will be added over time!

– Full , fast and searchable copy of the Lewis & Short Latin lexicon – it searches as you type, showing either short definitions or full definitions along w ith citations.

– Parse any Latin word to English, regardless of conjugation – includes full breakdown of the word’s form.

– Full copies of classic texts in their original Latin, grouped either by author or genre, including: the Gallic War and Civil War by Julius Caesar, Res Gestae by Augustus, the Twelve Caesars by Suetonius, the Amores by Ovid, the poems of Catullus, the Aeneid, Georgicon and Eclogues by Virgil, the Metamorphoses by Apuleius, five landmark speeches by Cicero (including In Verrem!), plus Horace, Juvenal, Vitruvius and more!

– Most of our Latin texts come with parallel English translations, which means you can be reading Caesar’s original Latin description of his battles in Gaul, then tap a button and jump to an English translation exactly where you left off – flip between languages to check your translation as often as you want!

– "Church fathers" texts give you the Bible in English and L atin, plus Augustine’s Confessions and Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People.

– Included in the app are full copies of Allen & Greenough’s New Latin Grammar, plus Fabulae Faciles, Bennet’s New Latin Grammar and The Comic Latin Grammar – we’ve even added Edward Gibbon’s epic work The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire for good measure.

– Comes with thousands of words prepared as flashcard decks to help accelerate your learning, plus a built-in Roman numeral converter.

SPQR is the gold standard of Latin apps on all smartphones and tablets, and we hope you enjoy it. This is our first Android release, so we look forward to hearing your feedback – email us at [email protected]! 終於,SPQR是現在Android用戶! SPQR拉丁學生誰想要沉浸在自己的語言,呈現了最全面的拉丁語字典左右,數十名英文翻譯的拉丁文本,加上識字,學習材料和更是最終的學習工具!

這裡是最初的版本中提供的功能 – 隨著時間的推移,將會加入更多的功能!

– 全,速度快,搜索副本劉易斯和短拉丁詞彙 – 它搜索您鍵入,顯示無論是短期的定義或完整的定義以及引用。

– 解析任何拉丁詞英語,無論共軛 – 包括完整的細分詞的形式。

– 全副本在他們原來的拉丁語的經典文本,作者或流派分組,包括:高盧戰爭和內戰的確切事實凱撒,奧古斯都,12個凱撒蘇維托尼烏斯阿莫雷斯奧維詩卡圖盧斯埃涅阿斯記,Georgicon和Eclogues的維吉爾,阿普列烏斯西塞羅(包括Verrem!),5個具有里程碑意義的演講,加上賀拉斯韋納爾,維特魯威多變形記!

– 我們的拉丁文本來與平行的英語翻譯,這意味著你可以被閱讀凱撒的原拉丁描述他在高盧的戰鬥,然後輕按一個按鈕和跳躍離開關閉的確切位置的英文翻譯- 翻轉之間的語言來檢查您的翻譯往​​往只要你想!

– “教父”的文本給你在英語和拉丁語“聖經”,加上奧古斯丁的“懺悔錄”和貝德的教會史的英國人。

– 在應用程序中包括有艾倫和格里諾的新拉丁語法,加上Fabulae Faciles,班納特新拉丁語語法和漫畫的拉丁語法的完整副本- 我們已經甚至加入愛德華·吉本的史詩作品的上升和秋天的羅馬帝國的好措施。

– 配有幾千字作為燒錄甲板準備,以幫助加快你的學習,再加上內置的羅馬數字轉換器。

SPQR是黃金標準的拉丁所有的智能手機和平板電腦上的應用程序,我們希望你喜歡它。這是我們的第一款Android版本,所以我們期待著聽到您的反饋意見 – 電子郵件給我們[email protected]

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