Boy or Girl – Gender Predictor

  • 名稱 :Boy or Girl – Gender Predictor
  • 版本 :1.9
  • 分類 :懷孕與育兒
  • 系統 :4.0 以上
  • 官網 :
  • 內容分級 :3 歲以上

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Boy or Girl – Gender Predictor介紹 :

Boy or Girl - Gender Predictor

Am I Having a Baby Boy or a Baby Girl?
This is the most common question that pregnant mothers used to ask before the big reveal (ultrasound). But, waiting for the results of the ultrasound, seems like an eternity.
Using our baby gender predictor app "Boy or Girl – Pregnancy Test" can predict your unborn baby's sex. Our App is based on multiple methods that include the "Chinese Gender Chart", "Blood Renewal", "Parents’ Blood -Type Method", "Maya* Gender Predictor Chart", and "The Japanese Birth Chart". We will be adding more, as we find them out.

What Methods Do These Applications Offer?

Chinese Gender Chart:
The Chinese Gender Calendar was supposedly discovered by a Chinese Scientist who drew this chart, and it was buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago. To find the gender prediction, this method uses the mother's lunar age at conception and the month in which conception occurred.

Blood Renewal:
Baby’s gender prediction using the method of blood renewal, considers taking into account the parents’ age at the time of conception. Human’s blood is being renewed all life long, however, in men it happens every 4 years, and women’s blood is renewed a bit faster — every 3 years. The gender of a future baby is usually determined by the calculations of the youngest blood at the time of conception.

Parents’ Blood Type Method:
This method combines the mother and father’s blood groups & Rh factor. For example, according to this method a couple with A or B blood group is likely to have a girl; however, spouses with AB or O types will conceive a boy.

Rh factor plays a very important role in the whole process. If it is negative or positive in both parents, it means you will probably give birth to a girl. When parents have different Rh factors, it means you will probably give birth to a boy.

Maya Gender Predictor Chart:
In ancient times, the Maya used math to calculate various activities in their daily lives from the eclipse of the moon to calendar calculations. The Mayas determined the sex of the baby by taking the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or both are odd…it's a girl. If one is even and one odd it's a boy.

Japanese Birth Chart:
The Japanese birth chart is a method of gender prediction based on the correlation of the mother and father’s months of birth with the month of conception.

You can at any time:
– Predict the gender of your unborn baby using multiple methods.
– Contact Us : If you encounter any problem or if you have any suggestions/opinions to make our app better. Please feel free to contact us.
– Share Our App.
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Background vector designed by Freepik 我會遇到一個男嬰或女嬰?的
使用我們的嬰兒性別預測應用“男孩還是女孩 – 妊娠試驗”可以預測你腹中的寶寶的性別。我們的應用程序是基於多種方法,其中包括瞭“中國性別圖表”,“血液更新”,“傢長”血 – 類型法“,”瑪雅*性別預測圖“和”日本出生圖“。我們將增加更多,因為我們將它們找出來。



嬰兒性別預測中的血液更新的方法,認為考慮到父母年齡在受孕的時間。人體的血液被重新終生,但是,在男子它發生每隔4年,女性的血液被更新快一點 – 每3年。未來寶寶的性別,通常是由最年輕的血液在受孕的時間計算確定。





– 預測使用多種方法你腹中的寶寶的性別。
– 聯繫我們:如果您遇到任何問題,或者您有什麼建議/意見,使我們的應用程序更好。請隨時與我們聯繫。
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