Saheli App for Pregnant Women

  • 名稱 :Saheli App for Pregnant Women
  • 版本 :1.3
  • 分類 :懷孕與育兒
  • 系統 :4.0.3 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 :3 歲以上

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Saheli App for Pregnant Women介紹 :

Saheli App for Pregnant Women

“Saheli” is a multilingual mobile App devoted to pregnancy care. It delivers short entertaining and informative daily videos for pregnant women in English, Hindi and Bengali (to start with, eventually in other Indian and international languages) guiding them along the pregnancy in a friendly, entertaining and informative manner. The content of the app is generic lifestyle related during pregnancy and not related to medical issues. Though in a channel called Dr. Speak, bytes from medical practitioners will be carried. The App also provides few more interesting and important features as described below.

The content of the App would be organised in channels as under :

A) Just For you! – Everyday one short new video would be received by a pregnant lady as per her EDD. The content of a video would be based on the weekly development of pregnancy as time progresses. Videos would be engaging friendly narrative in nature with high quality visuals, scripts and music. With a “Tip for Today”.

C) Doctor’s Speak – Will contain bytes of doctors speaking about specific medical issues like anemia, blood pressure etc.

D) Heart to Heart – Community chat group for all the pregnant ladies who downloaded the App.

E) My Phone Book – Here the user will be able to store all important phone numbers so that she can make calls directly from this APP.

F) Shopping: This icon would allow the pregnant women, especially in the urban areas to access stuffs that they may need during her pregnancy.

G) Smile Please – Some generic, feel good entertainment videos would be pushed from time to time to lift up the mood of the lady. “Saheli”是一個多語種的移動應用程序專門孕期保健。它提供瞭對孕婦的英文,印地文和孟加拉短娛樂性和知識性的日常視頻(下手,最終在其他印度和國際語言)在友好,娛樂性和知識性的方式引導他們沿著懷孕。該應用程序的內容是通用的生活方式,在懷孕期間和相關不相關的醫療問題。雖然在一個叫博士講渠道,從醫生字節將攜帶。該應用程序還提供瞭下述一些更加有趣和重要的特徵。


A)隻為你! – 每天一個新的短視頻將通過一個懷孕的女士按照她的EDD接收。隨著時間的推移視頻的內容將根據妊娠週發展。影片將從事自然友好的敘述與高品質的視覺效果,劇本和音樂。著有“提示今日”。

C)醫生的交談 – 將包含醫生的字節談論像貧血特定的醫療問題,血壓等。

D)心連心 – 社區聊天室,為所有誰下載瞭應用程序的懷孕婦女。

E)我的電話簿 – 在這裡,用戶將能夠保存所有重要的電話號碼,讓她可以從這個APP直接撥打電話。


G)請微笑 – 一些通用的,感覺不錯的娛樂視頻將推動不時抬起夫人的心情。

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