Survive – Wilderness survival

  • 名稱 : Survive – Wilderness survival
  • 版本 : 0.63
  • 系統 : 2.3 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 12 歲以上 恐怖內容


軟體介紹 :

Survive - Wilderness survival Try survive and travel to safety. Wilderness survival themed simulation where you need to decide how you spend your time and what action is most crucial for you now in order to survive: building a shelter, finding food, water, traveling, collecting firewood…

This game requires VIBRATE permission that is used in certain in-game events.

The game is in alpha development. It's a fancy sounding word for meaning I'm still working on finishing the first scenario and there is Broken Stuff in the game.

One or more of the following:
– New font to replace the JINKY font
– Apex predator
– Hunt
– Finalized story/locations/travel system
– Rescue mode, signaling
– Endless (travelwise, not stay-in-one-place) select-your-gear mode

Dec 6 – Update 63 (creeks less common, typos fixed, fixed issue with traps (they stayed with you forever), traps need to be collected before travel, hydration/stamina/etc bars sync issue fixed)

Now 30 – Update 62 (Content balancing, new encounters/random events, scenario start introduction, fish trap, spear hunting/animal tracking, new firecrafting, new shelter building option, simplified water system, new content, global sound setting, foraging bug fix, improved raincatcher system and more).

Oct 28 – Alpha version 45 'DID THIS GOT TOO EASY?' (water easier to collect, new firecrafting screen, tinder needed to start fire, Forage replaces 'get wood' and you can get also other things like cordage, baits etc, Energy affect foraging, New crafting gear, New traps screen and renewed odds, more information about items, smoking raw meat, Energy calories, Fatigue system)

Sep 29 – Alpha version 33 'SAVE!' (experimental auto-save every 30 secs feature – a couple of things not saved, campfire fix, berries reduce thirst, better locations on first 10 days or so, trap bug fix)

Sep 13 – Alpha Version 22 'BALANCE'
Small adjustments on the water/hydration system. Craftable raincatcher. Old campsite now might yield a garbage bag. Get water from morning dew. Few tweaks here and there.

Alpha Version 18 'LOOK AT ALL THESE BUGS!' on Sep 6th
* Sorry, promised Sep 4th but I need couple of more days to fix & test! Sep 6 it'll be. Fix stuff I broke in v0.15 :> ,Forced auto-sleep to be gone, Icons have labels again, Hours/etc info is back, Trying to fix Zenfone crash problem, Owl sound to indicate night, No more condition, now there's Energy + Hydration + Body heat, Water system (first attempt, needs work), Tons of other stuff and tweaks and whanot.

Alpha Version 15 'THAT WAS A MESS' on August 31, 2015
*Planned features: new core mechanics get changes: stamina/calories vs energy, food to have less meaning to survive, crafting gets tweaked, fish/traps tweaks, shelter system, few new locations, possibility to find berries, new day/night system, renewed UI, background images, and much more

Alpha Version 14 'HERE BUGGY BUGGY BUGGY' on July 31st (fixed a bug: uncookable squirrels).

Alpha Version 13 'LET'S EAT ALL THE BUGS' on July 30th (Bow drill, ember bundle and few other bug fixes, new starting gear (duct tape, butane lighter, survival manual pages), wood to inventory, new crafting recipes, small calories tweaks, new locations (one special, one regular))

Alpha Version 12 'THERE'S SOMETHING OUT THERE' on July 27th – Random encounters/events, new location system, new starting gear, renewed fish/wood/shelter/traps, rope making in the wilderness, actions now actually require time

Alpha version 7 – New content, traps, crafting, fire creating tools, gear, new campfire system. (required permissions due Unity3D game engine change)

Alpha version 0.6 – Please turn on sounds. LDJAM game prototype made in less than 72 hours.



— ALPHA發展—

– 新的字體更換JINKY字體
– 頂級掠食者
– 亨特
– 最終確定故事/位置/行駛系統
– 救援模式,信號
– 無盡(travelwise,不留功能於一身的地方)中選擇,你齒輪模式

12月6日 – 更新63(小溪不太常見,錯別字固定,固定的問題與陷阱(他們呆在一起,你永遠),陷阱之前需要旅行,水合/耐力/等酒吧同步問題固定收集)

現在,30 – 更新62(內容平衡,新的遭遇戰/隨機事件,場景開始介紹,魚陷阱,矛打獵/動物跟蹤,新firecrafting,新的住房建設的選項,簡化水系統,新內容,全局聲音設置,覓食bug修復,改進raincatcher系統等)。

10月28日 – Alpha版本45“這樣做有太多容易嗎?” (水更容易收集,新f​​irecrafting屏幕,打火需要啟動​​消防,飼料替代“得到木頭',你還可以得到其他的東西像繩索,毒餌等,能影響覓食,新起草的齒輪,​​新的陷阱屏幕和新的可能性,有關項目的詳細信息,吸煙生肉,能源熱量,疲勞系統)

9月29日 – Alpha版本33“救人!” (實驗自動保存,每30秒的功能 – 一對夫婦的事情不會被保存,篝火修復,漿果減輕口渴,在第10天更好的位置左右,陷阱錯誤修復)

9月13日 – Alpha版本22“平衡”
小調整水/水合系統。 Craftable raincatcher。現在老瞭營地可能產生一個垃圾袋。從清晨的露水找水。一些調整在這裡和那裡。

*對不起,答應9月4日,但我需要兩個多天來修復和測試! 09月06日這將是。修復的東西,我打破瞭v0.15:>,強制自動睡眠消失,圖標再有標籤,時間/等方式又回來瞭,正在修Zenfone死機問題,貓頭鷹的聲音,表示晚上,沒有更多的條件,現在有能源+保濕+身體發熱,水系統(第一次嘗試,需要工作),其他的東西,並調整和whanot噸。


7月31日Alpha版14'的位置BUGGY BUGGY BUGGY“(修正瞭:uncookable松鼠)。


Alpha版本12'有什麼東西在那裡“7月27日 – 隨機遇到/事件,新的定位系統,新的起點齒輪,重新魚/木頭/避難所/陷阱,制繩在曠野,行動現在實際上需要時間

Alpha版本7 – 新的內容,陷阱,各具特色,火創造工具,裝備,新的篝火系統。 (所需的權限,由於Unity3D遊戲引擎的變化)

Alpha版本0.6 – 請開啟聲音。在少於72小時LDJAM遊戲原型製成。

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