Do not get angry

  • 名稱:Do not get angry
  • 版本:1.5
  • 分類:棋類遊戲
  • 系統:2.3.3 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Do not get angry介紹:

Do not get angry

Game is a variant of the board game Ludo. The board consists of home fields (in the corners), target fields (in the middle) and track fields in the shape of a cross. Colored fields on the track are the starting fields of the corresponding player. The aim of the game is to move all four pieces in a clockwise direction from the starting field to the target fields.

Let us repeat some rules:

– Each piece can be moved according to the score of the die.
– If a piece is moved to a field occupied by a piece of a different color, the latter one is removed from the track and placed at its corresponding home.
– Players take turns in a clockwise manner.
– A throw of 6 gives another turn.
– If no legal move is possible, the die is passed to the next player.
– Player can move a piece from home to starting field when die show 6.
– If all pieces are on home positions player can roll the die three times.

Have fun and don’t get angry! 遊戲的棋盤遊戲魯的一個變種。電路板由家字段(在彎道),目標字段(在中間),並在一十字狀軌道字段。在賽道上的彩色網絡的視場是對應玩家的起始網絡的視場。遊戲的目的是從起始場將所有四件在順時針方向向目標網絡連接的視場。

– 每一塊可以根據模具的得分移動。
– 如果一塊移動到視場由一塊二FF erent顏色佔據的音響,後者從磁道取出並放置在其相應歸屬。
– 玩家輪流以順時針的方式。
– 6的throw給出了另一個轉折。
– 如果沒有合法的移動是可能的,該管芯被傳遞到下一個播放器。
– 玩家可以將一塊從家裡出發到外地時,模具展6。
– 如果所有的作品都是在家居位置的球員可以滾模三次。


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